Tuesday 23 April 2013


The first area that is considered “hot” or “in” in computer science research is Computer Hardware. Since computer hardware is the basic component of a computer system, it is not surprising that this area is included in the spotlight of research topics. Many advances in technology involve hardware in one way or another and it is only fitting to improve the quality of technology. I mean, what would become of a good software if the hardware cannot even keep up with it? Results of interest in this research area include the many fast-evolving gadgets that we have. Every now and then, an enhanced version of our gadgets comes out and newly-purchased gadgets become obsolete as soon as they were bought.

The second area of research is Software Engineering. I can relate to this mostly because we had undergone and are currently taking up the subject Software Engineering. Software is another basic component of a computer system, and most of technology for that matter, and I believe that there is no question that this is a very good research area in computer science. This is where our programming and software development skills can be harnessed, together with hardware, to come up with innovative solutions to the increasing problems in our daily lives. As I write this, I am thinking from the back of my mind, about the system we are currently developing for the University. RSG once mentioned that when we complete the development of all our systems, they can be presented as a big research proposal to the University.

Another “hot” topic in computer science research is Computer Human Interaction. This is a very important field in research since we deal with technology every day. It would be nice to interact with technology that is flexible and able to meet most of our demands. This topic actually made me think of Virtual Agents in customer management. Virtual agents are programmed to respond appropriately to the customers’ queries and statements. Inappropriate responses may cause the organization using the virtual agent to lose their customers. I believe that further research on this topic will be very helpful so that we can make computer-human interaction as smooth and as natural as possible.

The next area of interest in computer science research is Database. Almost all organizations use databases to store their files and records. Folders and cabinets are a thing of the past because of advances made in database technology. Since database deals with electronic data and thus there is a factor of volatility, I believe that further research in this area will contribute greatly to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. Even in class, we try to come up with database solutions to solve the record-keeping and management problems of various individuals or organizations so this is not a foreign topic to us.

Image processing (some include audio and video processing in this area) is another hot topic in computer science research. I have personally observed that more and more applications become dependent on graphics of some sort. Since this is the case, research on image processing is only beneficial in order to improve the quality of images that is delivered to the users. Another particular area of keen interest is the conversion of images into formats that will not destroy or degrade their quality.

Another area in the research spotlight is ITS or Intelligent Transportation System. I am not very familiar with this topic since this is the first time I have heard of it. However, I will try to elaborate on it based on my readings. According to Wikipedia, ITS refers to efforts to add information and communications technology to transport infrastructure and vehicles in an effort to manage factors that typically are at odds with each other, such as vehicles, loads, and routes to improve safety and reduce vehicle wear, transportation times, and fuel consumption. As amazing as it may sound, I am not very interested in this topic simply because there is a reduced need for transportation due to the advent of the Internet. But I guess this is probably helpful when it comes to large corporations.

Finally, Theory is still considered a hot research area. Even though most of what we do now is application, theory is still important to build up the foundation of technology. Theory is where it all began – from papers and assumptions. This is where we try to look for problems, gather relevant information and hypothesize. Application is the implementation and actual testing to validate a certain theory. It is possible that without theoretical research, innovations would also stop.

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